Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pictage Ask and Learn Live Webinar

For all you photographers out there that use Pictage, this Wednesday, July 23rd from 4-6pm PST (that's 7-9pm 'round these parts), I'll be the featured photographer LIVE on the Pictage forum during the always-fun Ask and Learn session! Drop by and say hi! Click HERE!



THANK YOU ALL! ... for stopping by tonight for the Ask and Learn! We had over 1650 unique visitors in just a few hours! Thanks for asking some great questions. I hope I was able to shed some light on to your issues. Feel free to email me anytime and as always, check out my resources page at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Awesome New Workshop Website! (and the official announcement of the August McWorkshop)

After a short delay...we are so excited to announce the launch of a new website for our McWorkshops! 

Our wonderful friends at BluDomain have graciously given us one of their super cool templates to use for the workshops! ...and between all of our recent weddings, events, family emergencies, and the daily grind, we have worked to get as much information populated into the new site as possible. We'll be updating it more frequently (as this is so easy with Blu's admin page) than our old site, so check back when you can. (and let us know if you see any typos)

In conjunction with this, we are also excited to announce the official launch of the next 5-day McWorkshop! We've had dates set since the Spring Roadtrip, but the crunch of the work-world has been pretty heavy, and we just now have the opportunity to officially launch. Regardless of the delay of our launch, many of the available slots have already been taken! Hop over to the new McWorkshops site and click on 5-day for more information.

If you're available to come hang out with us on August 18th- 22nd, call 828.254.4954 or email us at Because seating is very limited and because of the interest we’ve had for this workshop in particular, we suggest you call asap. The early bird rate is $1675 or $2825 for couples or business partners. If your schedule prevents your coming to this workshop, you might also be interested in the Keep'N it Fresh workshop in October... more on this later.

Here are a few images from the last workshop... and you can check out blog posts about them 

Can't wait to see you all soon!

-corey and amber

Friday, July 11, 2008

Stay tuned....

We're uber excited to share with you a few new features of Corey McNabb Photography! ...but they're not quite ready yet! I'll give you a hint... we owe a huge thanks to Aundrea and Harald over at Blu Domain. We have events to cover this weekend, but we hope to make at least one of the announcements by Monday, so stay tuned!


UPDATE, Tuesday, July 15: My mother, who is here with me in NC visiting from California, had to be taken in an ambulance to the ER early yesterday morning so I'm afraid I've not been able to work on my latest 'announcement'. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks for being patient, while my mom's a patient. ;)

UPDATE, Thursday, July 17th: My mom's home from the hospital and recovering well. Thank you all for your supportive emails and phone calls! Now that she's home, I'm back to trying to my my announcement announced already! 

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