Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rockstar Workshop... Day Two!

Tuesday has come and gone way too quickly! We had an information-filled morning. Corey first spoke with us about his amazing extreme shooting techniques. I have heard this topic from him several times, and I never cease to be inspired! One student said that he had already learned his money's worth, just during the course of the Extreme Shooting topic!

After Corey spoke on shooting, our wonderful friend, Adam Linke from Pictage spoke for a few minutes about the amazing-ness of Pictage. After the short Q&A session, we headed off to 12 Bones for an amazing barbeque lunch! Thanks so much to Adam for driving up from Atlanta to hang out with us, and to Pictage for treating us to one of the best lunches in town!

Eric was certainly amusing at lunch... he modeled some of the signage for us...

And then he had to show off his amazing sandwich... "The Hogzilla!"

After lunch we headed back to the studio for some more amazing eduction.
Larry Crandall, an amazing photographer and co-owner of White Glove First Edition Books, spoke to us for a while about how to shoot for better album design. After he completed his enlightening talk, Corey gave a pretty comprehensive lighting demonstration, and we headed out to shoot some models!

We have awesome models! We had the beautiful
Shyla and ever so handsome Eric, as well as the stunning Anna and her spectacular partner, Jon. We can't even begin to express how much we appreciate their patience and hard work!

Here a few of Corey's images from the night, as well as some behind the scenes shots:

After we did some shooting (while it was SLEETING), we headed to Wild Wings for a super fun dinner. White Glove graciously picked up the tab, and allowed us to have some of the most amazing chicken I have ever had the privilege of enjoying. And the company wasn't bad either!

Corey and I with our wonderful friend Larry.

Corey never takes a break... we arrived at our booth, and he immediately saw another amazing shot!

How our models act on their downtime...

Thanks SO much for dinner, Larry (and White Glove!)

After all that fun stuff, we headed back to the car, and of course found many amazing shooting opportunities on the way! A few more of Corey's shots (and behind the scenes stuff)...

We're having so much fun! More soon, I promise!



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